We Are UrNews!

All your news in one feed

UrNews brings a news feed from respectable and reliable local, national and global news media to you in one platform. At UrNews you can easily stay-up-to-date and get an overview of what’s happening. UrNews enables you to customise your news feed according to your personal preferences for news sources, topics of your interest and languages.

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Our Vision is to promote and increase the use of reliable quality news content by providing a common platform for news feed by aggregating and disseminating the news flow from reliable and respectable news outlets.

Our Mission is to provide our users with a platform they can customise to deliver an easy to consume, up-to-date news feed from their favourite news medias.

For Users

If you have questions or comments about our app, please contact us at:

Name: UrNews Oy
E-mail: support@urnews.net

For News Media

We are always interested in adding new respectable news media sources to our feed selection. If you represent a news media organisation that is interested in making its RSS feed (Headlines) available on UrNews, please contact us by email: media@urnews.net